World Allergy Week 2022
Dr. Shahid Abbas, President of the Pakistan Allergy, Asthma and Immunology
Society(PAAIS), warmly welcomes you
World Allergy Week 2022 (5-11 June).
Organized by Pakistan Allergy, Asthma & immunology Society (PAAIS)World allergy Week is being celebrated y the PAAIS all over the country according to the recommendations of the WAO since 2011 regularly in different cities of Pakistan. This year (2022) the world Allergy Week was celebrated with the collaboration of Sanofi in different cities of Pakistan and huge number of medical professionals and general public attended these activities
This year the focus is on managing allergic diseases amidst environmental changes.
Press ReleaseSeminar
WORLD ALLERGY WEEK Seminar BY PAAIS With Collaboration of SANOFI 11th June 2022
WORLD ALLERGY WEEK SEMINAR BY PAAIS With Collaboration of SANOFI 8th June 2022
To celebrate World Allergy Week a Session was conducted by Dr. Sabahat Safaraz MBBS FCPS (Immunology) Assistant Professor at Dow University of Health sciences karachi and Focal person Sindh Chapter of PAAIS on “Dynamics of Allergic Reactions & Anaphylaxis” with collaboration of Pharmacy Consultancy founded by Imran Ali on 15th June 2022. This session was organized by Associate Professor of ENT – Head and Chairperson, Dr Shanilla Feroz at United Medical and Dental College(UMDC) karachi. The session highlighted the importance of Allergic disorders, diagnosis and treatment options and Management of Anaphylaxis. Missions of World Allergy Organization and PAAIS were well elaborated. It was attended by the medical students and faculty of UMDC. DEAN of UMDC college Professor Dr. Brig (Rtd) Khalid Hussain Mehmood applauded the session and encouraged to have more sessions in future to create awareness about allergic disorders. In the end questions from faculty and students were well responded followed by distribution of shield and certificate

WORLD ALLERGY WEEK SEMINAR BY PAAIS With Collaboration of SANOFI 9th June 2022

WORLD ALLERGY WEEK SEMINAR BY PAAIS With Collaboration of SANOFI 10th June 2022

5. PAAIS Chapter SINDH
A week celebration PAAIS SINDH CHAPTER
PAAIS Sindh organized a CME program on the Betterment of Air. On that occasion Prof. Rafik Qaim Kahani and President PAAIS Sindh Dr. Ashfaq Qureshi delivered keynote presentation about the Breathe Better, Allergy and Airway Connection.
PAAIS SINDH CHAPTER ORGANIZED FREE MEDICAL CAMP AT SARFRAZ CLINICS ON THAT OCCASION DR SARFRAZ AHMED QURESHI Provided free medical examination and medicines to the people. Patients coming there were made aware of the Allergy and airway connection and about the PAAIS & WAO Programs

6. PAAIS Chapter Deira Ismail Khan
MISBAH INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL, Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan under the umbrella of PAAIS is celebrating WORLD ALLERGY WEEK 2022 with the following schedule:
June 8, 2022
Free Allergy Test 9 am to 6 pm for the general public
June 9, 2022
Talk on the topic “Breathe Better” by Dr Nazimuddin Malik MRCP
with QA from the audience 1-3 pm.
FM Radio talk at 6-7 pm by Dr Nazimuddin on the topic
“Breathe Better”
30 minutes talk followed by answering direct questions from the listeners for another 30 minutes.
June 11,2022
Seminar at MIH with the doctors and paramedics of the region as audience. Topics being:
1- Better ways of treating Allergy by Dr Misbah
2- Breathe Better….by Dr Nazim.
Thanks to PAAIS and Dr Shahid Abbas in special for the motivation. Wishing the best.
Dr Nazimuddin Malik
7. PAAIS Chapter Nairobi
This year PAAIS Nairobi with successful efforts has organized Allergy & Asthma Awareness Camp in NAIROBI, KENYA. The public response was excellent.Thankyou Dr.shahid Abbas for the motivation to start this awareness in Nairobi as well.

8. PAAIS Chapter South Punjab
Awareness about the ALLERGIC DISEASES AND ANAPHYLAXIS was done in the national newspapers and in TV by Dr. Syed Abdul Sami. PAAIS celebrated World Allergy Week 2022 in Multan which is big city with medical schools and hospitals and population of about 1.9million. It was organized by Dr. Syed Abdul Sami advertised it well on the newspapers and on TV. Informed the general public and medical professionals about the world allergy week and how to recognize and manage anaphylaxis. He also organized WORLD ALLERGY WEEK WALK in MULTAN. Dr Sami in his talk informed about the allergic diseases and the importance of Anaphylaxis.
World Allergy week awareness seminar & walk by PAAIS Multan

World Allergy camp 2022 At Allergy Asthma Center Rawalpindi (5th - 11th June)
Free Allergy Camp was organized jointly by Pakistan Allergy Asthma and Immunology Society (PAAIS), Allergy and Asthma Center and Allergy Center Rawalpindi from 5th - 11th June on IJP Road Rawalpindi. President of PAAIS Dr. Shahid Abbas organizes free allergy camps every year for people of Pakistan. As more than 38% population of are effected by allergy and 85% population are effected with Asthma every year developing severe allergic rhinitis and asthma. We aim to create aware people and facilitate them with diagnosis and treatment of allergy and asthma. Free Allergy Camps are held twice to thrice every year and patients visit from all over the country for the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases. To create awareness brochures are displayed, Videos of allergic diseases specially those of WAO are shown to the patients. There are Asthma and Anaphylaxis booths with all the information about Asthma and Anaphylaxis. Patients are trained about how to use inhaler and self inject Epinephrine or Auto-Injectors. These camps are managed with out any financial support of any agency and patients have to pay negligible amount only for SLIT if required while ALLERGY TESTS are done free of cost.
Following Free Allergy Camps were held in 2022..

Doctors and other camp staff explained the precautionary measure to the patient’s to prevent the asthma, manage allergic diseases, manage anaphylaxis and prevent different allergies. Some medicine companies provided free medicines and inhalers to the non-affording patients.
Free Allergy camp 2022
Free Anaphylaxis training booth & Asthma Training Booth for patients (5th - 11th June 2022)
PAAIS organized FREE ALLERGY CAMP & ANAPHYLAXIS + Asthma TRAINING BOOTH on 5th - 11th June 2022 in ALLERGY CENTER, MASOOD ARCADE, IJP ROAD RAWALPINDI. This event was advertised on digital medial like WhatsApp, Facebook, LinkedIn and banners were displayed in several locations of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Patients were given information about Anaphylaxis by our medical staff and doctor, Anaphylaxis posters recommended by WAO were displayed, pamphlets were on table. There were also Anaphylaxis Kits and Anaphylaxis Cards. Due to financial constraints of the developing countries Auto-injectors are not affordable and are not being sold in Pakistan. PAAIS has developed the following ANAPHYLAXIS KIT & ANAPHYLAXIS CARD. CARD IS FILLED BY THE COUNCILLOR in the clinic for relevant patients and advised to carry all the time in their wallets while Anaphylaxis Kit with all the instructions and information about anaphylaxis are mentioned on the Kit.
- Our councilor and our doctors were explaining the importance, detection of symptoms and management of Anaphylaxis.
- Patients were trained how to recognize the symptoms of anaphylaxis, and how and when to self-administer the adrenaline.
- Patients were supplied with ANAPHYLAXIS CARD & ANAPHYLAXIS KIT. After training of the patient how to self-administer the adrenaline injection, patients were asked to demonstrate how he/she will manage in case of emergency
- Here free allergy tests for aero allergens and foods were done.
Free Anaphylaxis training booth